Sunday, February 3, 2013

She's Here!

Introducing our sweet Elliet Rose – born January 16, 2013 at 4:43 pm.

She weighed 6 lbs 11 oz and was 18 ½ inches long.

Fun Fact: Elle and I were almost the same size at birth, only 1 ounce and ½ inch different in our birth weight/length. I was 6 lbs 10 oz and 19 in long.

Wednesday, January 16th started off as any other normal work day. I had my weekly OB appt at 9:00 am, which always starts with a blood pressure and weight check. Afterwards, I sat on the exam table while Dr. Martin reviewed my chart. “Oh your blood pressure is awfully high” she said as she closed the chart and walked over to begin the ultra sound. After hearing Elle’s heartbeat and confirming she was still breech, Dr. Martin took my blood pressure manually herself. After doing so she looked at me and said, “Well we’re having a baby today!” I was in total shock! I think I asked her 3 or 4 times if she was sure {HA!}! She reassured me that we would be meeting Elliet that very day and directed me to go check in at labor & delivery at the hospital. Immediately while still in her office I sent a text message to Ryan… he was out of town in Mustang, which had been my biggest fear since he works out of town during the week. He quickly left work and made it to the hospital in plenty of time. I was 38 weeks and five days shy of our planned C-Section.

Throughout my pregnancy and in the days approaching the planned C-Section I had not been fearful or scared, I was calm, anxious and excited. This feeling of calm, yet excitement remained with me until I reached the operating room.  Up until this point, the most medically I had experienced was having my blood drawn. Being in this cold, sterile room; reality started to set in. The spinal block I received in my lower back to numb my body actually was less painful then the IV that ha been placed in my wrist. Soon they allowed Ryan to come into the OR and sit by my side. I was really glad to see him! The section started and it was crazy to know what was happening to my body while I was awake, yet unable to feel, with the exception of the pressure, reminding me the Dr’s were there.


In a matter of minutes I heard her cry! I was completely overwhelmed with emotion! They immediately took her to weigh and asses her and Ryan followed. Then they brought her to introduce her to me and I couldn’t help but cry at the overwhelming feeling of love and joy! Our daughter was born, I could see her and touch her and kiss her! All things I had longed to do for the past nine months!

We are so in love!

Sleeping with Dad in the hospital

Leaving the hospital


  1. Oh my goodness she is so adorable! I had a C Section too. Congrats Mommy :)

  2. She is beautiful!! Congratulations!
