Tuesday, December 18, 2012

34 Week Bump Update

How Far Along: 34 weeks

I have been ‘nesting’ and getting my house deep cleaned and ready. I have her diaper bag partially packed now and have organized my pantry to make room for storage of bottles. I have been reading and asking many questions to prepare myself for breastfeeding; I am very determined to breastfeed and have learned that it is a huge task that will take lots of patience and persistence. Please say your prayers for me that I will be successful at it. Her room is pretty organized and I have most everything washed and ready for her with the exception of her sheets and a couple of blankets. Pre-admissions to the hospital and the epidural deposit have both been taken care of – feels nice to have those checked off our list. Next up … consider and pack a bag for Ryan and I to take to the hospital.

Estimated Due Date: January 28, 2013

Total Weight Gain: 28 lbs. {at my last OB visit on December 10th, Elliet weighed 5 lbs 9 oz!}

Labor Signs: Nope, no sure signs yet, this baby still needs time to bake! However, I can feel my body preparing more and more… pretty amazing.

Aversions: Chicken. Lately I have not wanted anything to do with chicken especially the thought of cooking it myself – no thank you!

Maternity Clothes: Yes and I feel as though I wear the same things over and over… I’m running out of clothes that fit and it’s becoming more difficult to create new outfits to wear. #PregnantLadyProblems  =)

Belly Button in or out? It’s still in but it is about flattened out. I’m hoping it doesn’t pop out.

Wedding Ring on or off? Off! And I’m crushed. My fingers are just too swollen.

Stretch Marks: No! Thank you Jesus!

Symptoms: Swelling! Really it hadn’t been much of an issue, other then the fact that I’ve had to forgo my wedding ring but the past two weeks or so it is causing some pain/ache in my hands during the night and is now creeping into my days.

Not a symptom, but Pain In My… Rib. Ouch! Depending on her position her little head causes my ribs to expand I assume and it is not very comfortable. Sometimes I can rub her into a different position to provide some relief.

What I am looking forward to: I’m always looking forward to my next Dr visit – I love hearing her little heart beat. This next visit, the day after Christmas, we will schedule the c-section as long as she is still breech {which she still is as of today} for 39 weeks. This will be the last of the 2 week visits and we will begin going weekly. Also, I am looking forward to getting to see the finished product of our maternity pictures.

Best Moment this week: Just feeling her movements! I am feeling her move more and more and her movements visually from the outside have become more pronounced. Also, Ryan’s mom gave us a quilt that his grandmother made for him as a baby – that was very special.

I am so in awe of the process of pregnancy. I have thought this week about the new found respect I have for my friends who are moms. You never know what people go through until you are in their shoes…

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