the act of anticipating or the state of being anticipated. 2. realization in advance; foretaste. 3. expectation or hope. 4. previous notion; slight previous impression.
Pregnancy is FULL of anticipation! I am constantly anticipating the next step with excitement. This final trimester, I’ve been thinking {and dreaming} so much about our little girl. Those who know me know that I am a lover of planning and preparing! With that said, her little nursery is pretty complete just waiting for her arrival. It’s all organized; her little blankets and clothes have been washed and put in their place. Ryan has assembled her swing and the car seat and stroller are just collecting dust waiting to be used. I’ve even contemplated assembling her pack n’ play in our bedroom {where she will sleep for her first couple of months} but I know that’s taking my preparedness a bit too far as we still have approximately 10 weeks left to go. Ha!
Last week was my glucose screening for gestational diabetes. I was not looking forward to this as most women complain about the yucky sugar solution you have to drink within 5 minutes. After an hour a blood sample is taken to test your blood sugar level. If your level is too high, your Dr will have you go back in for the 3 hour test. I was keeping my fingers crossed that I would be able to pass my screening and bypass the 3 hour test. In my opinion, while the drink was terrible, it wasn’t as bad as it had been described. Any score of 140 would require the 3 hour test… my score was 139. Sheesh. I was instructed to watch my sugar and carb intake {very happy camper that I did pass, even if it was only by 1 point}. I was also told that I am anemic and that I needed to add an iron supplement to my prenatal vitamins. Easy fix.
My every two week appointments have already begun and Ryan and I are anticipating our birthing class on December 1st. During this class they are also going to take us over to the hospital for a tour… I hear they’ve made major renovations at St. Francis and that it is very nice.
Thanksgiving is right around the corner! I can’t believe the way time flies!
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